Weisse Arena Gruppe is an integrated service company in the tourism and leisure industry in the Canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. The company, based in Laax, is responsible for the operation of the LAAX winter sports resort as well as various year-round leisure activities and businesses.
The group of companies includes a lift company, various hotels and restaurants, sports and rental shops, a ski, snowboarding and bike school as well as a management and construction company.
Since 2008, the entire electricity demand of Weisse Arena Gruppe’s mountain lift facilities have been covered by renewable energy from Switzerland. But our vision goes even further: with the help of Greenstyle, the entire company is to be transformed from an energy consumer to a producer and cover 100% of its energy requirements with renewable energy. Join us on our journey and find out more about current and past projects.

Investor Relations
The business model of Weisse Arena Gruppe is unique in the Alpine region. As a public limited company, its shares are listed on the secondary stock exchange. Read all about the business results, the shareholder programme and the general meeting here.
Here you will find our latest press releases, information and images of Weisse Arena Gruppe and of LAAX. If you have any questions, we are glad to answer them.

A motivated and passionate team is our key success factor. Together we offer unforgettable experiences in LAAX. Would you like to become part of this diverse team at the largest employer in the Surselva region? Take a look at our open positions or get in touch with us.
We Are Here For You
Are you interested in our shareholder programme or would you like to voice praise, suggestions or criticism? Please do not hesitate to contact us. The easiest and quickest way is to use our contact form.