
Mountainbike Trailriding in den Alpen Investments Hotellerie und Gastronomie Aktien Weiße Arena Gruppe

Welcome to our media office. Here you will find our latest press releases, information and images of Weisse Arena Gruppe and of LAAX. If you have any questions, we are glad to answer them.


Press Releases

Read our latest press releases and learn more about the events and projects of Weisse Arena Gruppe and LAAX. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you need further information.

Press Kit

Press Kit Weisse Arena Gruppe


Here you will find a selection of images of LAAX. You may use them free of charge for editorial coverage. We kindly ask you to mention the copyright ©LAAX/ Weisse Arena Gruppe.

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Media Contact

Weisse Arena Gruppe
Martina Calonder
Via Murschetg 17
CH-7032 Laax
Telephone: +41 81 927 70 26